I Aspire to Inspire Before I Expire
Firstly, thank you for taking the time to look at my website. Let me introduce myself. I class myself as arts facilitator. I am deeply passionate about crafting and education and try to combine both where I can. Having recently set up Educate Create, I aspire to share knowledge and skills of a diverse range of arts and crafts practices. This could be for relaxation purposes, hobbies, self-expression, art therapy or for self-development purposes to gain qualifications and certification.
I personally thrive from learning new processes and deeply love passing this knowledge onto others. After working in the education sector for the last decade, I am now in a position to follow my passion and am able to deliver professional arts and crafts workshops, develop sessions for others and create craft kits to purchase. These can all be diversified for various ages and abilities. People will find the techniques to be therapeutic, calming, and relaxing, whilst the Arts Award accreditation route can support employment and further education.
Determined to self-develop, succeed and achieve in life, I hope I can inspire others to learn new skills and develop a great love for the arts.
Creativity has recently been declining within the education sector but I hope to turn this around by inspiring others, showing cross curricular techniques (incorporating creative skills), and producing adaptable lesson plans with proposed ideas to build knowledge, skills and confidence.
The main components of this site include:
Creative Curricular-This reinforces academic subjects by incorporating creative tasks to embed topical knowledge. The projects can be tailored to suit class sizes, abilities and ages but also help to support the kinesthetic learners who learn by doing rather than listening.
Extra Curricular- These projects would be beneficial for Enrichment sessions, After School/Lunch time Clubs or even as End of Term activities. They are fun, colourful, and can be delivered on an individual basis or within group sessions. They could be delivered as a sequence with a theme, eg: Nature, or as a one-off session. They are totally flexible and adaptable to your needs.
Arts Awards-These are nationally recognised qualifications accredited by Trinity College in London. They consist of a project, portfolio work and cultural trip to show personal development, leadership skills and teamwork. With flexibility, they can be delivered in schools/colleges, community centers and libraries by fully trained and qualified assessors.
Currently I am able to deliver:
Discover-20 recommended guided learning hours
Explore-25 recommended guided learning hours
Bronze-Training booked on 06/07/20
Silver-Training Booked on 06/07/20
Gold-To follow soon.
By improving creative opportunities in our lives we can expect the following:
Displays consisting of colourful and inspiring working creating a pleasant learning environment
Further promotion of thinking and problem-solving skills
More self-expression via creative channels
Improve focus and concentration on tasks
An opportunity to embrace innovation and generate new ideas
Develop risk taking without the fear of failure
Positive reinforcement of accomplishment and pride
The Arts help to reduce stress and anxiety issues
Creativity promotes happiness and allows students to have fun in a safe environment
It can help to build links with people of similar interests
Being artistic, approachable and attentive, I aspire to be a positive role model for young people. Being open-minded and adaptable means that I can change sessions on the spot should I need to differentiate, therefore making lessons accessible to all. All sessions are inspiring, motivating and challenging making them ideal for the practically minded. There will be the opportunity for individuals to expand their minds, explore creativity, generate new ideas, improve communication skills in both verbal and non-verbal ways and build positive relations with others.
Workshops are available as either single sessions or a concession of lessons. Seasonal crafts celebrating Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter are often popular, along with creations for Valentines, birthdays and Christmas. Please view the 'Gallery' for evidence of recent work. Session plans are available for all opportunities mentioned via email.