Arts Awards inspire young people to grow their artistic talents. It is designed to be adaptable and accessible for all. The nationally recognised certificates are awarded for creative projects which help individuals feel valuable and proud. Run by Trinity College, London, and delivered by trained Arts Award Advisers, the awards are as follows:
Discover- Introductory Level-20 recommended learning hours
Explore-Certificated- 25 recommended learning hours
Bronze-Certificated - 40 recommended learning hours
Silver-Certificated - 60 recommended learning hours
Gold-Certificated - 90 recommended learning hours
These awards expand artistic knowledge, personal confidence and skills within a chosen discipline. The variation of the qualification covers performing arts as well as visual arts, this means it can be adapted to suit your audience/class. The certification is evidence of the student's work and progress along the learning journey. Portfolios' showcase evidence of the hard work carried out and is a great visual representation of abilities and skills. Often having a life changing impact on a young person, it can help them to prepare for their future lives. Helping people to grow and develop, no matter how small, is extremely rewarding and something which I am deeply passionate about. Many build confidence and self-esteem which helps them to become successful, some even turning into professional artists. Exploring careers in the sector is often eye-opening and inspiring. It broadens options into areas which they may have thought were not possible.
By working through the levels, the individual develops from a learner into a leader and encourages others to follow the arts along the way. This ensures the next generation has fantastic creative opportunities but also helps them develop the social confidence needed to be successful in their future lives. The overall sensation of feeling accomplished is priceless!
Please feel free to email me any queries which you may have regarding delivery and view the weblink attached for further information regarding the Arts Awards: https://www.artsaward.org.uk/site/?id=64